
(function () {

     "use strict";


     jQuery( window ).load( function(){

          // Make all bordered columns the same height.
          jQuery( window ).on( 'resize', bambooThemeCheckColumns );

     } );


     function bambooThemeCheckColumns() {

          // Reset the height of all columns.
          jQuery( '.bamboo-columns.bordered .bamboo-column' ).css( 'height', 'auto' );

          // If the screen is larger than mobile...
          if( jQuery( 'body' ).width() > 640 ) {

               // Adjust each set of columns.
               jQuery( '.bamboo-columns.bordered .bamboo-column' ).each( function(){
                    bambooThemeAdjustColumn( this );




     function bambooThemeAdjustColumn( column ) {

          var div = jQuery( column );


               var height = jQuery( this ).height();
               if( height > div.height() ) {
                    div.height( height );




