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<div class="entry-content" style="align: left; margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; font-size: 1.4em; line-height: 1.4em; color: #444;">
<h2>Domain Mirror Plugin Help</h2><br>
<p><a href="http://mcaleavy.org/code/domain-mirror/" target="_blank">Plugin Homepage</a> | <a href="http://mcaleavy.org" target="_blank">Author Homepage</a></p>
<p>If you have more than one domain and want to point both of them at
the same Wordpress installation, you’ll find that it doesn’t really
work very well. Wordpress creates it’s own internal URLs based on the
settings in General Options. This Plugin allows multiple domains to be
configured within Wordpress and updates the Weblog Title, Wordpress
Address URL and Blog Address URL on-the-fly based on the value of
<p>This allows one installation to show different URL paths, tagline and blog title for each domain.</p>
<p>What it won’t do is make one domain appear to be two, or change your
domain configuration. You need to do that yourself, or have your
hosting provider do it for you.</p>
<p>To see it in action, you can access this site via <a href="http://mcaleavy.org/">http://McAleavy.org</a> or <a href="http://lightpainting.org/">http://LightPainting.org</a>. Both point to a single Wordpress installation, running on a single database.</p>
<h3>New in v1.1</h3>
<li>You can now have a separate tagline on each domain.</li>
<li>The Admin screen has a button to copy in the current Wordpress configuration to save on typing.</li>
<li>The Admin screen has buttons to clear content from whole domains and indivudual lines.</li>
<li>Download and unpack the archive. If you downloaded the plugin from
my site it will unpack to a directory named “AA-DomainMirror”, but if
you got it from the Wordpress plugin repository it will unpack to the
direcotory “domain-mirror”. Either will work, but you may need to
rename the latter to “AA-DomainMirror” if you have problems with some
other plugins not seeing the changes. See below.</li>
<li>Copy the whole <b>AA-DomainMirror</b> directory to <b>wp-content/plugins/</b> If possible, don’t change the name of the directory, as the <b>AA-</b> at the start is a <i>horrible</i>
hack to ensure that Wordpress loads this plugin first. This is required
as any plugin loaded before it won’t be able to see the changes it
makes, so will behave as if it’s still on the default domain. This
puzzled me for quite a while.</li>
<li>Go to your <b>Plugins</b> page and activate <b>Domain Mirror</b>.</li>
<li>Go to the <b>Options -> Domain Mirror</b> page and configure as outlined below.</li>
<p>Overwrite the old version with the new version.</p>
<p>When enabled, Domain Mirror will change the values of Weblog Title,
Tagline, Wordpress Address and Blog Address automatically. Where you
have hard-coded the site name or a site URL into a post or page you
should replace that entry with one of the tags provided. See below.</p>
<div style="float: left; width: 55%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 258px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 258px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/OptionsBefore.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_OptionsBefore.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="258"></a></div>
<div><br>Your existing Wordpress configuration should be left as it is.
This will not be changed unless you press Save on this page when viewed
from a domain other than the default. See below.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 145px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 145px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/DomainsBefore.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_DomainsBefore.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="145"></a></div>
<div><br>On initial activation, the Domain Mirror options
screen will display a default blank entry. This default is defined in
conf.inc.php - which can be edited to set different defaults. The post
tags used to display the current setting of these fields in posts or
pages are shown to the right. Add this text to a post or page and it
will be replaced by it’s value for the current domain. This allows such
posts to display properly from any configured domain.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 145px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 145px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/FirstDomain.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_FirstDomain.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="145"></a></div>
<div><br>Fill in the settings for the current domain, or press the <i>Get Current Domain</i>
button to get the values from the database. This is recommended because
the General Options page will show the Domain Mirror configured
settings when accessed from another domain. If you then press Save on
that page those options will be written to the Wordpress settings,
overwriting the original settings. If you don’t have those settings in
Domain Mirror, they will be lost and the original domain will not
function properly until they are re-entered. If Save is not pressed,
the original values will be retained and will be used again when the
plugin is disabled.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 161px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 161px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/ChangesSaved.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_ChangesSaved.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="161"></a></div>
<div><br>Click the Save button to record the changes. The screen will reload and display the Changes Saved banner.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 139px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 139px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/NewBlankDomain.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_NewBlankDomain.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="139"></a></div>
<div><br>To add another domain, click the Add New Domain button. The page will refersh with a 2nd blank domain.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 135px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 135px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/SecondDomain.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_SecondDomain.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="135"></a></div>
<div><br>Fill in the details for the 2nd domain, and click Save Changes.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 40%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 191px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 191px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/SiteBefore.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_SiteBefore.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="191"></a></div>
<div><br>Now, when viewed using the first domain, the site remains unchanged.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 40%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 177px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 177px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/SiteAfter.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_SiteAfter.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="177"></a></div>
<div><br>When viewed using the second domain, the site appears as if configured for that domain.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div style="float: left; width: 55%;">
<div class="myinlinepictureleft" style="width: 259px;">
<div class="myinlineborder" style="width: 259px;"><a rel="lightbox" href="Help_files/OptionsAfter.jpg" title=""><img class="myinlinepictureimg" src="Help_files/tmb_OptionsAfter.jpg" alt="" title="" height="100" width="259"></a></div>
<div><br>The General Options screen, when accessed from the new domain,
now displays the details for that domain. These options, however, are
coming from the Domain Mirror configuration and not from the Wordpress
settings. As noted before, if save is pressed on this page these
options will be written to the Wordpress settings, overwriting the
original settings. If you don’t have those settings in Domain Mirror,
they will be lost and the original domain will not function properly
until they are re-entered.</div>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
<div>To delete a domain, press the Delete Domain button
and it will be removed from the page. This change will be written to
the database when you next press Save Changes. If you delete all of the
entries in Domain Mirror it will return to it’s default settings. If
you wish to alter these defaults you can edit the file <b>config.inc.php</b> in the <b>AA-DomainMirror</b> directory. The “X” buttons on each line can be used to clear the contents of that line and the <i>Clear All</i> button can be used to clear the contents of that domain setting. Again, pressing <i>Save Changes</i> is rquired to make these changes permanent.</p>
<p class="end_blurb">DaveMc, April 2007.</p></div>
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