(function($) {



			headers: {

				'X-WP-Nonce': wpt_rest.nonce,




	$( '.editvoid' ).click(

		function() {

			let x = $( this ).val();

			if (x == 'edit') {

				let name      = $( this ).attr( 'name' );

				let member_id = $( this ).attr( 'member_id' );

				var key       = $( '#tipaymentkey' ).val();

				$( '#editline' + member_id ).html( '<input type="hidden" name="markpaid[' + member_id + ']" value="1" />Paid until <input type="text" name="until[' + member_id + ']" value="' + $( this ).attr( 'until' ) + '" /> Paid to TI <input type="text" name="' + key + '[' + member_id + ']" value="' + $( this ).attr( 'paid_to_ti' ) + '" />' );




	$( 'form.member_dues_update' ).submit(

		function (e) {


			// This does the ajax request

			data = $( this ).serialize();



					url: wpt_rest.url + 'rsvptm/v1/dues',

					method: 'POST',

					data: data,

					success:function(data) {

						console.log( data );

						let message = '';

						if (data.marked_paid) {

							message += data.marked_paid + ' ';


						if (data.paid_ti) {

							message += data.paid_ti + ' ';


						if (data.no_renewal) {

							message += data.no_renewal + ' ';


						if (data.note) {

							message += data.note + ' ';


						$( '#confirm' + data.member_id ).html( message );

						$( '#data-entry-' + data.member_id ).hide();

						$( '#paid-ti-' + data.member_id ).hide();

						$( '#member_dues_update_' + data.member_id + ' .enter_notes' ).hide();


					error: function(errorThrown){

						console.log( errorThrown );




			return false;



	$( '#default_css' ).hide();

	$( "#default_css_show" ).click(


			$( '#default_css' ).show();

			$( "#default_css_show" ).hide();



	$( '.speech_update' ).hide();

	$('a.nav-tab-active').click( function() {

		var activetab = $( 'a.nav-tab-active' ).attr( 'href' );

		if (activetab) {

			$( '.toastmasters section' ).hide();

			if (activetab == '#pathways') {

				let user_id = $( '#toastmaster_select' ).val();

				wpt_fetch_report( 'pathways',user_id );




	$( document ).on(



		function() {

			var user_id = $( this ).attr( 'user_id' );

			var project = $( this ).attr( 'project' );



					url: rsvpmaker_rest.ajaxurl,

					method: 'POST',

					data: {


						'project': project,

						'timelord': rsvpmaker_rest.timelord,

						'user_id': user_id


					success:function(data) {

						// This outputs the result of the ajax request

						console.log( data );

						alert( 'Remove ' + project + ' for user id: ' + user_id );

						location.reload( true );


					error: function(errorThrown){

						console.log( errorThrown );




			return false;



	$( document ).on(


		'#tm_select_member select',

		function() {

			var user_id    = $( '#tm_select_member select' ).val();

			var member_url = location.href;

			var urlparts   = member_url.split( '&toastmaster' );

			var member_url = urlparts[0] + '&toastmaster=' + user_id + '&active=' + tab;

			location.href  = member_url;



	$( document ).on(



		function() {

			var post_id    = $( '#pick_event' ).val();

			var event_url  = location.href;

			var urlparts   = event_url.split( '&post_id' );

			var member_url = urlparts[0] + '&post_id=' + post_id;

			location.href  = member_url;



	var add_speech_blank = $( 'form#add_speech_form' ).html();

	$( 'form#add_speech_form' ).submit(

		function(e) {


			// This does the ajax request



					url: rsvpmaker_rest.ajaxurl,

					method: 'POST',

					data: {


						'_manual_meta': $( '#_manual_' ).val(),

						'_project_meta': $( '#_project_' ).val(),

						'_title_meta': $( '#title_text' ).val(),

						'_intro_meta': $( '#_intro_' ).val(),

						'project_year': $( '#project_year_add' ).val(),

						'project_month': $( '#project_month_add' ).val(),

						'project_day': $( '#project_day_add' ).val(),

						'timelord': rsvpmaker_rest.timelord,

						'user_id': $( '#member' ).val()


					success:function(data) {

						// This outputs the result of the ajax request

						$( '#add_speech_status' ).html( data );

						$( '#add_speech_status' ).fadeIn( 200 );

						console.log( data );

						$( 'form#add_speech_form' ).html( add_speech_blank );


					error: function(errorThrown){

						console.log( errorThrown );




			return false;



	$( 'form#add_role_form' ).submit(

		function(e) {


			// This does the ajax request



					url: rsvpmaker_rest.ajaxurl,

					method: 'POST',

					data: {


						'_role_meta': $( '#_role_meta' ).val(),

						'project_year': $( '#role_year_add' ).val(),

						'project_month': $( '#role_month_add' ).val(),

						'project_day': $( '#role_day_add' ).val(),

						'timelord': rsvpmaker_rest.timelord,

						'user_id': $( '#member' ).val()


					success:function(data) {

						// This outputs the result of the ajax request

						$( '#add_role_status' ).html( data );

						$( '#add_role_status' ).fadeIn( 200 );

						console.log( data );


					error: function(errorThrown){

						console.log( errorThrown );




			return false;



	$( 'form#edit_member_stats' ).submit(

		function(e) {


			// This does the ajax request



					url: rsvpmaker_rest.ajaxurl,

					method: 'POST',

					data: $( this ).serialize(),

					success:function(data) {

						// This outputs the result of the ajax request

						console.log( data );

						alert( 'Saved (reload to see changes on reports)' );


					error: function(errorThrown){

						console.log( errorThrown );




			return false;



	$( '.increment_stat' ).click(

		function() {

			var user_id = $( this ).attr( 'user_id' );

			var role    = $( this ).attr( 'role' );

			var counter = $( this ).attr( 'counter' );



					url: rsvpmaker_rest.ajaxurl,

					method: 'POST',

					data: {


						'role': role,

						'timelord': rsvpmaker_rest.timelord,

						'user_id': user_id


					success:function(data) {

						// This outputs the result of the ajax request

						console.log( data );

						// alert(data);

						$( '#increment_stat_result' + counter ).html( data );


					error: function(errorThrown){

						console.log( errorThrown );




			return false;



	$( '#add_speech_form' ).on(



		function() {

			var manual = this.value;

			var target = this.id.replace( 'manual','project' );

			var list   = project_list.projects[manual];

			$( '#' + target ).html( '<option value="">Pick a Project</option>' + list );



	$( "#checkAllDelete" ).click(


			$( '#deleterecords input:checkbox' ).not( this ).prop( 'checked', this.checked );



	$( document ).on(


		'div.wptoast-notice button.notice-dismiss',

		function () {

			var type = $( this ).closest( '.wptoast-notice' ).data( 'notice' );

			console.log( 'notice dismiss: ' + type );




					type: 'POST',

					data: {

						action: 'wptoast_dismissed_notice_handler',

						'timelord': rsvpmaker_rest.timelord,

						type: type,






	$( ".roleplanupdate" ).click(

		function( event ) {


			var datepost     = $( this ).attr( 'datepost' );

			var takerole     = $( '#takerole' + datepost + ' option:checked' ).val();

			var was          = $( '#was' + datepost ).val();

			var user_id      = $( '#user_id' ).val();

			var manual       = '';

			var project      = '';

			var title        = '';

			var display_time = '';

			var maxtime      = '';

			var intro        = '';

			if (takerole.search( 'Speaker' ) > -1) {

				manual       = $( '#_manual__Speaker_' + datepost ).val();

				project      = $( '#_project__Speaker_' + datepost ).val();

				title        = $( '#title_text_Speaker_' + datepost ).val();

				intro        = $( '#_intro__Speaker_' + datepost ).val();

				display_time = $( '#_display_time__Speaker_' + datepost ).val();

				maxtime      = $( '#_maxtime__Speaker_' + datepost ).val();

				console.log( manual + ' ' + project + ' ' + title + ' ' + intro + ' ' + display_time + ' ' + maxtime );





					type: 'POST',

					data: {

						action: 'wptoast_role_planner_update',

						datepost: datepost,

						takerole: takerole,

						was: was,

						user_id: user_id,

						manual: manual,

						project: project,

						title: title,

						intro: intro,

						display_time: display_time,

						'timelord': rsvpmaker_rest.timelord,

						maxtime: maxtime,





				function( data ) {

					$( '#change' + datepost ).html( data );

					$( '#was' + datepost ).val( takerole );

					$( '#takerolespeaker' + datepost ).hide();





	$( ".takerole_speaker" ).hide();

	$( ".takerole" ).change(

		function(  ) {

			var role     = $( this ).val();

			var datepost = $( this ).attr( 'post_id' );

			if (role.search( 'Speaker' ) > -1) {

				$( '#takerolespeaker' + datepost ).show();

			} else {

				$( '#takerolespeaker' + datepost ).hide();




	$( '.dashdate' ).mouseover(

		function () {

			var dateid = $( this ).attr( 'id' );

			$( '#' + dateid + ' .has-sub li' ).show();



	$( '.dashdate' ).mouseout(

		function () {

			var dateid = $( this ).attr( 'id' );

			$( '#' + dateid + ' .has-sub li' ).hide();



	$( "#show_speeches_by_manual" ).click(

		function () {

			let user_id = $( '#toastmaster_select' ).val();

			wpt_fetch_report( 'speeches_by_manual',user_id );



	$( "#show_traditional_program" ).click(

		function () {

			let user_id = $( '#toastmaster_select' ).val();

			wpt_fetch_report( 'traditional_program',user_id );



	$( "#show_traditional_advanced" ).click(

		function () {

			let user_id = $( '#toastmaster_select' ).val();

			wpt_fetch_report( 'traditional_advanced',user_id );



	$( "#show_pathways" ).click(

		function () {

			let user_id = $( '#toastmaster_select' ).val();

			wpt_fetch_report( 'pathways',user_id );



	function wpt_fetch_report(report, user_id) {

		let fetchurl = wpt_rest.url + 'rsvptm/v1/reports/' + report + '/' + user_id;

		$( '#' + report + '_content' ).html( 'Loading from ' + fetchurl + ' ...' );

		fetch( fetchurl, {headers: {'X-WP-Nonce' : wpt_rest.nonce}} )

		.then( response => response.json() )

		.then( data => $( '#' + report + '_content' ).html( data.content ) );


	$( '#ti-transactions-refresh, #ti-transactions-tab' ).click(

		function () {

			let fetchurl = wpt_rest.url + 'rsvptm/v1/money';

			$( '#ti-transactions-content' ).html( 'Loading from ' + fetchurl + ' ...' );

			fetch( fetchurl, {headers: {'X-WP-Nonce' : wpt_rest.nonce}} )

			.then( response => response.json() )

			.then( data => {$( '#ti-transactions-content' ).html( data.content ), $( '#dues-report-export' ).text( data.export ), $( '#dues-report-export' ).select()} );

			// .then(data => $('#dues-report-export').text(data.export) );



	$( '#reminder-thank-you-refresh, #reminder-thank-you-tab' ).click(

		function () {

			let fetchurl = wpt_rest.url + 'rsvptm/v1/duesreminders';

			$( '#reminder-thank-you-content' ).html( 'Loading from ' + fetchurl + ' ...' );

			fetch( fetchurl, {headers: {'X-WP-Nonce' : wpt_rest.nonce}} )

			.then( response => response.json() )

			.then( data => $( '#reminder-thank-you-content' ).html( data.content ) );



	$( '#second_language_checkbox' ).click(

		function () {

			var count = parseInt($( '#second_language_checkbox' ).val());

			var prompt;

			var prompts;


			prompt = 'Pace: not too fast or too slow';

			prompts = '<p><strong>'+prompt+'</strong><input type="hidden" name="prompt['+count+']" value="'+prompt+'"></p>'

			+'<p><input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="5 (Exemplary)"> 5 (Exemplary) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="4 (Excels)"> 4 (Excels) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="3 (Accomplished)"> 3 (Accomplished) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="2 (Emerging)"> 2 (Emerging) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="1 (Developing)"> 1 (Developing) </p>'

			+'<p><textarea name="comment['+count+']" style="width: 100%; height: 3em;"></textarea></p>';


			prompt = 'Grammar and word usage';

			prompts += '<p><strong>'+prompt+'</strong><input type="hidden" name="prompt['+count+']" value="'+prompt+'"></p>'

			+'<p><input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="5 (Exemplary)"> 5 (Exemplary) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="4 (Excels)"> 4 (Excels) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="3 (Accomplished)"> 3 (Accomplished) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="2 (Emerging)"> 2 (Emerging) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="1 (Developing)"> 1 (Developing) </p>'

			+'<p><textarea name="comment['+count+']" style="width: 100%; height: 3em;"></textarea></p>';


			prompt = 'Word tense, gender, and pronouns';

			prompts += '<p><strong>'+prompt+'</strong><input type="hidden" name="prompt['+count+']" value="'+prompt+'"></p>'

			+'<p><input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="5 (Exemplary)"> 5 (Exemplary) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="4 (Excels)"> 4 (Excels) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="3 (Accomplished)"> 3 (Accomplished) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="2 (Emerging)"> 2 (Emerging) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="1 (Developing)"> 1 (Developing) </p>'

			+'<p><textarea name="comment['+count+']" style="width: 100%; height: 3em;"></textarea></p>';


			prompt = 'Clear pronunciation';

			prompts += '<p><strong>'+prompt+'</strong><input type="hidden" name="prompt['+count+']" value="'+prompt+'"></p>'

			+'<p><input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="5 (Exemplary)"> 5 (Exemplary) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="4 (Excels)"> 4 (Excels) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="3 (Accomplished)"> 3 (Accomplished) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="2 (Emerging)"> 2 (Emerging) <input type="radio" name="check['+count+']" value="1 (Developing)"> 1 (Developing) </p>'

			+'<p><textarea name="comment['+count+']" style="width: 100%; height: 3em;"></textarea></p>';




})( jQuery );