TaxoPress allows you to create and manage Tags, Categories, and all your WordPress taxonomy terms. TaxoPress can help with all your WordPress content, from adding Tags and Categories to Pages, to managing WooCommerce Product Categories and bbPress Topic Tags. TaxoPress has integrations with AI tools including OpenAI, IBM Watson, Dandelion, LSEG / Refinitiv and more. You can use these services to find the best taxonomy terms for your content. With TaxoPress, you can organize, optimize, and showcase all your WordPress content: Organize: In TaxoPress, you can manage taxonomies, and also terms. There are tools for you to add, rename, remove, delete and even merge terms. You can add any term or taxonomy to any post type. Optimize: TaxoPress can improve your SEO with automatic term management. T…

  • WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager – AI Autotagger
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